/*! elementor-pro - v3.11.6 - 14-03-2023 */
(()=>{"use strict";class Screenshot extends elementorModules.ViewModule{getDefaultSettings(){return{empty_content_headline:"Empty Content.",crop:{width:1200,height:1500},excluded_external_css_urls:["https://kit-pro.fontawesome.com"],external_images_urls:["https://i.ytimg.com"],timeout:15e3,render_timeout:5e3,timerLabel:null,timer_label:`${ElementorScreenshotConfig.post_id} - timer`,image_placeholder:"",isDebug:elementorCommonConfig.isElementorDebug,isDebugSvg:!1,...ElementorScreenshotConfig}}getDefaultElements(){const e=jQuery(ElementorScreenshotConfig.selector),t=e.find(".elementor-section-wrap > .elementor-section, .elementor > .elementor-section");return{$elementor:e,$sections:t,$firstSection:t.first(),$notElementorElements:elementorCommon.elements.$body.find("> *:not(style, link)").not(e),$head:jQuery("head")}}onInit(){return super.onInit(),this.log("Screenshot init","time"),this.timeoutTimer=setTimeout(this.screenshotFailed.bind(this),this.getSettings("timeout")),this.captureScreenshot()}captureScreenshot(){return this.elements.$elementor.length||(elementorCommon.helpers.consoleWarn("Screenshots: The content of this page is empty, the module will create a fake conent just for this screenshot."),this.createFakeContent()),this.removeUnnecessaryElements(),this.handleIFrames(),this.removeFirstSectionMargin(),this.handleLinks(),this.loadExternalCss(),this.loadExternalImages(),Promise.resolve().then(this.createImage.bind(this)).then(this.createImageElement.bind(this)).then(this.cropCanvas.bind(this)).then(this.save.bind(this)).then(this.screenshotSucceed.bind(this)).catch(this.screenshotFailed.bind(this))}createFakeContent(){this.elements.$elementor=jQuery("
Many couples are faced with infertility issues. In addition to several other factors, diet and lifestyle may significantly improve or prevent infertility. A systematic review evaluated the relationship between modifiable lifestyle behaviors and fertility in men and women. The review examined the effects of fat-rich diets, delayed childbearing/age of starting a family, smoking, alcohol misuse, […]
The da Vinci Robotic Surgery System is a sophisticated technology that facilitates complex, minimally invasive procedures. It allows surgeons to have a magnified three-dimensional view of the surgical site in real time and to operate through small incisions. It improves agility, visualization and precision and allows for more accurate surgery. However, despite its benefits, it […]
If you are suffering from pain in your lower back, pelvic region, or abdominal area then you are probably wondering what the main causes of it are. You might also wonder if there are any cures or remedies for it. Read on to learn more about this topic of Pelvic Pain. Symptoms Pelvic pain is […]
Fibrosis is a disease that affects a large number of people. It can affect both the lung and the liver and be a result of various illnesses, such as bronchiectasis or intussusceptions. Symptoms of fibrosis can be varied, but here are 5 of the more common ones that you should be aware of. Pneumothorax Pneumothorax […]
You have several things to consider if you are pregnant and have been diagnosed with COVID-19. You might wonder how it affects you and your baby, how to prevent it from spreading, and how to take care of your health while in the womb. Symptoms of COVID-19 during pregnancy COVID-19 is an infection that affects […]
Having infertility affects a woman’s mental health in a variety of ways. These can include depression, low self-esteem, stress, and depression. It is essential to understand how the condition affects a woman’s mental health and what steps can be taken to deal with the problem. These steps can include psychotherapy, counseling, or stress reduction. Stress […]
If you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with COVID-19, you should know a few things you should do as a pregnant patient. There are travel restrictions for pregnant women with the disease, as well as vaccination and treatment options. In addition, you may want to consider staying home and recovering while you […]
High-risk pregnancy occurs when a woman has several health problems during her pregnancy. The chances of premature labor and birth are increased for these women. They also are at a higher risk of contracting STIs and STDs. Some complications can include excessive bleeding during labor, preeclampsia, or problems with the baby’s development. In rare cases, […]
The Da Vinci Surgical System uses a minimally invasive approach for various surgeries. These procedures include prostatectomies, cardiovascular valve repair, gynecologic surgeries, and renal surgery. It is also used to perform eyelid surgeries, such as cataract removal. Minimally invasive surgery The Davinci Robotic Surgery system is a cutting-edge technology that allows doctors to perform minimally […]
If you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with COVID-19, you should know a few things you should do as a pregnant patient. There are travel restrictions for pregnant women with the disease, as well as vaccination and treatment options. In addition, you may want to consider staying home and recovering while […]